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The Talking Stick for Healing

In many cultures, a Talking Stick is used to pull focus in for both expressing and listening. Listening 100% is SO important to effectively connect respectfully with yourself and others. It creates a better understanding of ourselves and others. So many resources are gained when you truly listen. Information comes from many avenues, such as directly from a source, indirectly, such as overhearing a conversation, or from within your very soul, your higher self. Siphon this info by feeling what holds true for you. Question yourself. What feels right for me? Pay special attention when you find yourself noticing repeated info. Trust your intuition.

Talking reminds yourself that you have a voice for expressing your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we don't realize what is important to us until we hear ourselves talking about them. Your voice makes a difference. When you talk from your heart, it can be the very thing that you or someone else needs to hear. Your voice keeps you grounded and focused in the present.

As you use the Talking Stick solely for yourself, show yourself respect to hear and speak your truth.

Dry Sticks

Choosing Your Stick

 * Choose any shape or size of stick from the ground

 * It can be one that is visually appealing to you

 * come from a favourite tree

 * come from a favourite place

 * hold special meaning

 For myself I have a birch stick from lake property

 that I hold dearly in my memories, maple from 

 my backyard tree, and oak that has always

 held spirit guide energy for me.


 You can use sticks in their natural form or

 decorate with fave colours of paint, ribbon,  

 yarn, feathers, tie on special objects,

 beads, charms, etc. I tied an oak leaf 

 and large feather to one of my sticks because 

 they had special meaning.

 I added beads to represent the chakras. Anything goes. 


Tree Symbolism
These are birch trees I see regularly on my walk near my home in Canada
There are many myths, legends, religious, spiritual & cultural meanings to trees. In general trees symbolize strength, communication, grounding, protection, healing, growth, life cycles, abundance, change, history, power, calm & wisdom. 
Many believe the trees talk to each other, to us or are a way for passed loved ones to communicate, as whispers from the branches & leaves, as the wind blows. 
Trees have been witnesses to the many generations before us.
Some associate a particular type of tree to carry powers for help with different areas of their lives.

Cedar - cleansing - Indigenous, Celtic
Birch - truth - Indigenous
Elm - wisdom - Indigenous

Fir - endurance - Celtic
Yew - change & transition - Celtic
Japanese Maple - balance & peace - Japan
Oak - strength, resistance, knowledge - world wide
Baobab - coming full circle, rejuvenate - Africa
Banyan - self aware, longevity - India
Maple - love, longevity, abundance - world wide

*Choose a stick that has special meaning to you
Alternative Choices

Perhaps you are not drawn to using a stick. What you choose to hold as you talk, should be as unique as you are. There is no limit to what you can choose as an alternative talking item. Connect with what gives off good energy and comfort for you. Is it a colour, texture, momento, picture, jewelery, a coin, feather, ancestral keepsake or crystal? The choice is yours.

alternative tools for talking stick healing.jpg
Extra Optional Tools

Drinking water can assist with bringing in & grounding your thoughts. .


*I always drink water before & after my reflection time.


You may wish to bring a list of positive affirmations or mantras to recite, as a regular way to finish your connection time. 


If you wish, write info down afterwards to recall new truths discovered.


Light a candle of your choice, emit a scent or put on calming music can put you in a peaceful, meditative state.

Image by Lee  Campbell
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Getting Started
square shape to represent box breathing. Inhale 4 breaths, Hold 4 breaths, exhale 4 & hold 4

Choose a quiet space that you can regularly go to, inside or outside. Sit or lay down. Get yourself comfortable. Hold your talking stick, or alternate item,with one or two hands or place it close by you. Breathing techniques make you concentrate on our breathing to take the attention off of other things on the mind.

Take a deep cleansing breath in and then push deeply out. Do a second time.

If you still need to calm yourself, try some box breathing. Inhale to count of 4, Hold for count of 4, Exhale to count of 4, Hold for count of 4. Repeat two more times.

Any count will do as long as you do equal counts of breaths and holds.


*This is a good exercise also for someone with asthma.


This is also when music can help you to calm your breathing too.

Use Your True Voice >Hear Your Truth
Crying Eye
  • talk about the first thing that comes to your mind

  • what are you happy, proud, sad, scared, excited about?

  • ask yourself questions about anything

  • talk about your day, week, event, dream

  • what went well & what didn't?

  • what do you love?

  • what are your values?

  • talk out a decision that you are trying to make

  • what do you want more of? Visualize it as you talk

  • ask yourself what your next steps should be

  • what do you love about yourself?

  • what doesn't feel right any more?

  • list the positive in your life

  • list what you want help with

Image by Jordan Ling
Feeling a Little Light-headed Afterwards?
  • Drink some water

  • Stretches

  • Dance

  • Give your body a good shake. *This is also good for an anxiety attack when you can't stay still. 

black and white border collie dog at edge of river bank shaking water off himself
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