Talking Stick Healing
There are 7 main spiritual energy centers within our body called Chakras. Each chakra is like a wheel that regulates energy throughout that area of the body.
When they rotate in harmony with each other, it forms your Holistic System. When they are balanced, you have energy and motivation. You feel at your best and optimistic.
Each wheel can become unbalanced running too fast, too slow or in the wrong direction. It weakens your system and can cause you illness physically, mentally, and spiritually. You can feel lack of confidence and energy or be wound up too tight and not able to sit still.
Each chakra is symbolized with a colour chosen for it's meaning.
5th Chakra - The Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra symbol is used as part of Talking Stick Healing's logo. Throat chakra deals with communication to ourselves and others, as well as listening to ourselves or others. Blue represents the throat chakra. Blue represents calmness, loyalty, trust, creativity, reflection, intelligence, and inner confidence.
If it is slow, you have difficulty expressing your wants and needs. If it spins too fast, you may talk too fast or have trouble concentrating on information given by others. Hormone inbalance can effect the throat chakra. You may physically feel pain in your neck or have issues in your throat.
Having a balanced throat chakra helps you EMPOWER, RELEASE and TRANSFORM. Saying positive affirmations and expressing gratitude, reminds yourself of the good in your life already and it empowers you.
Listen to yourself to truly know what thoughts, feelings, habits, routines, jobs, people, etc drag you down so that you can release them to lighten your soul. Communicating with your Soul and Energy Healing, assists you to unblock and release all energy that is not to your highest good.
Transform by asking yourself what you would love to do, what brings you joy, what you would like to learn more about. Connect with a class, person, or group that shares a common interest. Try new routines or recipes. Find an activity that allows you to express yourself. You have the right to make changes in your life that bring in positive energy.
Positive Affirmations:
I know the true me by listening to my soul and what fullfills it
I respect and listen to what myself and others have to say
I choose and express what I think is best for me
People think differently and thats ok
My voice is important to the world
I can express my thoughts and feelings with ease
I can creatively express myself
I trust myself and others
I express what I am grateful for
*FYI Our logo is deliberately turquoise, a combo of blue and green. Blue meaning mentioned above. Green represents healing, nature, growth, abundance, renewal, transformation, peace, love and safety. In ancient times warriors, shamans and kings carried turquoise amulets for protection.